Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The V-day or is it??!

For once if we forget what gender we are and start living like bacteria....how many issues can be solved right.......?!
None...even if we resolve one issue we give rise to another and nurture another........if not religious then state or else terrorism well the list is endless.......
I thought about the V-day and about that man who started it...
This day was supposed to spread love not "just love between man and woman"
Good day for businessmen ...they have taxed it so much that Valentine day has lost its true meaning...
What Shiv sena and Ram sevak are doing is appalling but what good are we doing... What we are doing is no different...
How many teenagers actually know who was St Valentin and what did he do?
Do they even know what da word "philanthropist" mean?
Measures must be taken to keep the sanctity of such occasions because if St valentine were to be alive now and if he saw The V-day sign i am pretty sure he wont be happy...
He was an epitome of brotherhood , he wanted peace and harmony among people he promoted love because no other power could have the above wanted effects...
But today all i see is pink ballons... 50 rupee each.........
Did anybody buy food and went to a old age home or an orphanage and said "Happy Valentines everybody"
no i dont think so..... i am yet to come across such incident........
but what i see and read is people gifting their girlfriends and wives expensive cars diamonds even islands!!!
And what i see is on a day like today there are still people going to bed...maybe even not that without food and even if after a meal and they do not feel that they are loved ... or that they mean anything...to anyone...
i strongly feel that it is a sin to celebrate this so called V-day... because its has lost its meaning.